Is Font and Creative Asset Management Impacting Your Creative Operations?
Safeguard Compliance and Unblock Creativity
With The Extensis Creative Intelligence Suite.
What Is Extensis’ Creative Intelligence Suite?
Extensis’ Creative Intelligence Suite provides best-in-class font management, frictionless creative asset management, and creative risk management – all in one powerful suite.
Seamless Integration with Adobe CC
Connect + Insight is the only platform that can scan Adobe documents for risks that Adobe doesn’t track.
Analytics and Reporting Dashboards
Team leaders can simply monitor the use of different fonts to support with procurement decisions.
License Risk Mitigation
Evaluate risks associated with licensing, and report on
Out of Compliance, At-Risk, and Unlicensed fonts.

Fix Fonts Before It’s Too Late
Quickly identify font usage and font license risks within project files and fix dangerous fonts – all before projects get to production – with Connect + Insight’s Project Risk Scanning. Simply drag and drop project files to inspect them for font usage and font license risks in seconds, and receive a report that outlines exactly what to do next.
Faster And Easier Pre-Production Audits
Quickly identify font usage issues in creative projects and see the steps to resolution with Connect + Insight’s Font Risk Assessment Report. The report streamlines the auditing process by quickly summarizing potential font usage and licensing risks and suggesting resolution steps, all in an accessible PDF format.

The Ideal Adobe Font Manager For Creatives
In addition to reducing last-minute revisions, Connect provides a place to search, share, store, and edit fonts and creative assets made in Adobe. It also identifies font risks that Adobe doesn’t, and provides insight into how your fonts and Adobe documents are connected, to simplify buying and renewal decisions for assets outside of Creative Cloud.
Schedule a call today to learn more about how Extensis’ Creative Intelligence Suite can improve creative operations for you and your team!
Enhance your Creative Workflows
with the Power of Mac.
Mac allows creative teams to maximise their productivity, with hardware and software that is designed to provide optimal performance when working on large projects.

How Sync can support your Business
Sync offer a range of services to help you bring Mac to your business. We can work with you to
support your management team, staff, or technical team to ensure success.