Adobe Professional Courses
Time: 1 day per programme (increasing depending on requirements)
Next course dates: Enquire for next scheduled dates
Price: From £295 per person (ex VAT)
If you’re an Adobe Creative Cloud whizz that wants to brush up on your skills, or pick up some new ones, our intermediate level courses cover everything a professional needs to do the best job possible.
Our experts can help you reach optimal performance. What you’ll learn:
- Colour adjustment
- Text design
- Painting and patterns
- Colouring
- Tinting
- Obtaining different effects using layers
- Complex selection tools
- Channels
- Design and Montage
- History Palette
- Web optimisation
- Filters for artistic effect
- Running actions
- Batch processing
- Vector files
- Using Photoshop with other applications
- Paths and complex custom shapes
- Using palettes to move and resize objects
- Using palettes to format type and typography
- Gradients and blends
- Transparency and masking
- Creating and using brushes
- Working with your own designs
- Saving and exporting PDFs
- Nested and imported Word styles
- Manual text wrap
- Create and modify custom shapes
- Compound and importing paths
- Design of longer documents
- Creating and editing libraries
- PDFs
- Publishing online
- Customising the workspace
- Creating PDFs from technical documents
- Enhancing documents
- Securing files
- Creating interactive forms
- Creating PDFs for print
- Confidence in navigating the workspace
- Importing and sorting images
- Handling a wide range of adjustment tools
- Geotagging and metadata
- Developing a workflow
- Preparing for web or print
- Building photobooks
- Photoshop integration
- Creating custom identity plates
Premiere Pro
- Colour correction and colour panel
- Advanced effects
- Compositing
- Keying
- Advanced audio
- Audition, Photoshop and After Effects integration
- Multicam projects
- Media encoder
- Project management
After Effects
- Advanced Keyframes
- Working in 3D
- Advanced text
- Graph Editor
- Motion tracking
- 3D camera tracking and stabilisation
- Project management
- Using backgrounds, models and lights
- Using imported models
- Rendering and editing in Photoshop
- Working with camera views
Adobe Xd
- Converting your site map to linked artboards
- Setting screen transitions
- Adding interactions to elements
- Masking techniques
Make an enquiry
For more information on the course and to book your place, get in touch
0330 159 5901 | training@wearesync.co.uk
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